.. _rolloutref: Rolling out SQLFluff with a new team ==================================== Rolling out SQLFluff (like rolling out any other linter or style guide) is not just about just the *technical* rollout, but also how you introduce to the tool to the team and organisation around you. *The effect of SQLFluff should be to change your behaviours not* *just your SQL*. With that in mind, it's worth reminding ourselves what we're trying to achieve with a tool like this. A set of potential success criteria might be: #. **Faster comprehension and collaboration** by the team on a shared codebase. This includes more effective (and more enjoyable) code review on top of code which is easy to review and build upon. #. **Easier and faster onboarding** for new team members. By adopting a style which is clean and *consistent with other organisations* we make it easier for new people to join the team. #. **Improved adoption of shared SQL** from other sources. If the SQL found in open source projects is easy to read and *looks familiar* then you're more likely to use it. This means more reusable code across the industry. #. **Productive discussions around style**. By defining your organisation's style guide in code, it means you can version control it, discuss changes and ultimately give a concrete output to discussions over style. *You like leading commas? Make a PR to .sqlfluff and let's* *discuss with the team what the implications would be*. Consider which of these success measures is most important and most desirable for your team. *Write that down*. The following steps are a guide, which you should adapt to your organisation, and in particular it's level of data maturity. 1. Assess the situation ----------------------- This step is done by you, or a small group of people who *already* *think that linting is a good idea*. * Run ``sqlfluff lint`` on your project with the stock configuration to find out how things work *out of the box*. * Set up your :ref:`config` so that things run and that you can get a readout of of the errors which you would want the team to see and *not the ones you don't*. Great tools for this are to use :ref:`sqlfluffignore`, ``--exclude-rules`` or ``--ignore`` in the CLI (see :ref:`cliref`). * Identify which areas of your project are the worst and which the tidiest are. In particular, any areas which are particularly good already will be particularly useful in the next phase. 2. Make a plan -------------- There are three sensible rollout phases: #. **Pre CI/CD**. #. **Soft CI/CD** (warnings but no strict fails). #. **Hard CI/CD** (violations mean deployments fail). In each of these phases you have three levers to play with: #. Areas of the project. #. Depth of rules enforced (this might also include whether to ignore parsing errors or not too). #. Whether to just lint changes (:ref:`diff-quality`), or whether to lint all the existing code as well. Work out a sensible roadmap of how hard you want to go in each phase. Be clear who is responsible for changes at each phase. An example plan might look like this: #. **Pre CI/CD** we get the cleanest area of a project to a stage that it fully passes the rules we eventually. The core project team will do this. Liberal use of ``sqlfluff fix`` can be a lifesaver in this phase. #. **Soft CI/CD** is applied to the whole project, team members are encouraged to write tidy SQL, but not *required*. #. **Hard CI/CD** is applied to the tidy areas of the project and to also to any changes to the whole project. Anyone making changes is *required* to write SQL which passes check. #. **Hard CI/CD** is applied to the whole project on not just changes, with only a few particularly problematic files explicitly ignored using :ref:`sqlfluffignore`. 3. Build the need ----------------- Bring your team together to introduce both linting as a concept and also SQLFluff as a tool. At this stage it's **really important** **that the team understand *why* this is a good thing**. Consider whether to discuss the whole plan from step 2, or whether to only talk about the first few steps. Aim to make this an empowering experience that everyone can get involved with rather than *another piece of admin they need to do*. At this stage, you might also want to consider other tools in the SQLFluff ecosystem such as the `SQLFluff pre-commit hook`_ and the `SQLFluff VSCode plugin`_ or `SQLFluff online formatter`_. .. _`SQLFluff pre-commit hook`: https://github.com/sqlfluff/sqlfluff-github-actions .. _`SQLFluff VSCode plugin`: https://github.com/sqlfluff/vscode-sqlfluff .. _`SQLFluff online formatter`: https://sqlfluff-online.herokuapp.com/ 4. Do, Review & Reassess ------------------------ Once the plan is in motion, make sure to start putting in place norms and rituals around how you change the rules. In particular: * How would someone suggest changing the style guide or enabling/disabling a rule? * How do we assess whether the changes are working for the team or whether some are creating unnecessary stress? It's normal for your usage of tools like SQLFluff to change and evolve over time, what's important is to know this in advance and welcome it when it happens, and make sure you're always driving toward the success measures you decided up front, rather than just resisting the change. 5. Spread the word 😁 --------------------- Did it work? If so, spread the word. Tell a friend about SQLFluff. If you're lucky they might share your views on comma placement 🤷‍♀️.