.. _indentref: Let's talk about indentation ============================ If there is one part of building a linter that is going to be controversial it's going to be **indentation** (closely followed by **cApiTaLiSaTiOn** 😁). *SQLFluff* aims to be *opinionated* here, but also *configurable* (see :ref:`indentconfig`). The tool will have a default viewpoint and will aim to have views on all of the important aspects of SQL layout, but if you (or your organisation) don't like those views then we aim to allow enough configuration that you can lint in line with your views, and still use *SQLFluff*. For more information on how to configure rules to your own viewpoint see :ref:`config`. So, without further ado, here are the principles we think apply to indentation: 1. **For Keywords within a statement, the first root keyword of each line should be aligned.** For :code:`SELECT` statements, this means that :code:`SELECT`, :code:`FROM`, :code:`WHERE`, :code:`GROUP`, :code:`ORDER`, :code:`HAVING` and :code:`LIMIT`, should all have the same indent. Occasionally, it's actually more legible to have one-line or more compressed statements, and so additionally, if two (or more) of these keywords are on *the same* line, then the second (and any further) keywords won't raise a violation, provided that the *first* was correctly aligned. * This same logic applies to keywords within subsections, but the likelihood of them being on the same line to start is higher. one example of where this might occur regularly is within aggregate functions. .. code-block:: sql SELECT col_a, col_b, COUNT(*) as num, SUM(num) OVER ( PARTITION BY col_a ORDER BY col_b ) as an_aggregate_function FROM tbl_a GROUP BY 1, 2 Note that :code:`PARTITION` and :code:`ORDER` are both aligned on the same line. This also follows the rules around brackets described below. 2. **Line Length**. Long lines are hard to read and many SQL guidelines include a line length restriction. This is (of course) configurable, but the default is 80 characters (in line with the `dbt Labs SQL style guide`_.) 3. **Bracket behaviour**. For brackets there are three accepted ways: a. *Inline brackets*. Bracket expressions that start and end on the same line are fine (providing we don't fall foul of the line length rules above). .. code-block:: sql SELECT GREATEST(1, 6) AS col1 FROM my_table b. *Brackets with immediate linebreak*. If brackets are followed by an immediate line break (or at least with no other non-code elements after them on that line), then the following line should be indented +1 relative to the indent of the previous line. All elements of the bracketed block should be at this level of indent or deeper. The *closing* bracket of this block should have the same indent as the first element of the line containing the opening bracket. .. code-block:: sql SELECT GREATEST( 1, 3, 7, 6, 8, 9 ) AS col1 FROM my_table c. *Brackets with delayed linebreak*. If brackets are followed by content, and then a linebreak *before* the closing bracket, then we assume a *hanging* indent, where the following items of content should have the same indent as the first item of content. In this case, the *closing* bracket should come after the final element *on the same line*. .. code-block:: sql SELECT GREATEST(1, 6, 8, 6, 7) AS col1 FROM my_table 4. **Comments** are dealt with differently, depending on whether they're *block* comments (:code:`/* like this */`), which might optionally include newlines, or *inline* comments (:code:`-- like this`) which are necessarily only on one line. a. *Block comments* cannot share a line with any code elements (so in effect they must start on their own new line), they cannot be followed by any code elements on the same line (and so in effect must be followed by a newline, if we are to avoid trailing whitespace). None of the lines within the block comment may have an indent less than the first line of the block comment (although additional indentation within a comment is allowed), and that first line should be aligned with the first code element *following* the block comment. .. code-block:: sql SELECT /* This is a block comment starting on a new line which contains a newline (continuing with at least the same indent. - potentially containing greater indents - having no other code following it in the same line - and aligned with the line of code following it */ this_column as what_we_align_the_column_to FROM my_table b. *Inline comments* can be on the same line as other code, but are subject to the same line-length restrictions. If they don't fit on the same line (or if it just looks nicer) they can also be the only element on a line. In this latter case they should be aligned with the first code element *following* the comment. .. code-block:: sql SELECT -- This is fine this_column as what_we_align_to, another_column as something_short, -- Is ok case -- This is aligned correctly with below when indented then take_care else try_harder end as the_general_guidance -- Even here we align with the line below FROM my_table .. note:: When fixing issues with comment indentation, SQLFluff will attempt to keep comments in their original position but if line length concerns make this difficult, it will either abort the fix, or move *same line* comments up and *before* the line they are currently on. This is in line with the assumption that comments on their own line refer to the elements of code which they come *before*, not *after*. .. _indentconfig: Configuring Indentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How indentation is linted is controlled in the rules, but what indentation is expected to be present is controlled by the parser, and therefore configured separately. One of the key areas for this is the indentation of the :code:`JOIN` expression. Semantically, a :code:`JOIN` expression is part of the :code:`FROM` expression and therefore would be expected to be indented. However according to many of the most common SQL style guides (including the `dbt Labs SQL style guide`_ and the `Mozilla SQL style guide`_) the :code:`JOIN` keyword is expected to at the same indent as the :code:`FROM` keyword. By default, *SQLFluff* sides with the current consensus, which is to *not* indent the :code:`JOIN` keyword, however this is one element which is configurable. By setting values in the :code:`sqlfluff:indentation` section of your config file you can control how this is parsed. By setting your config file to: .. code-block:: cfg [sqlfluff:indentation] indented_joins = True Then the expected indentation will be: .. code-block:: sql SELECT a, b, c FROM my_table JOIN another_table USING(a) However if no value for :code:`indented_joins` is set, or if it is set to :code:`False` then then following indentation will be expected: .. code-block:: sql SELECT a, b, c FROM my_table JOIN another_table USING(a) There is a similar :code:`indented_using_on` config (defaulted to :code:`True`) which can be set to :code:`False` to prevent the :code:`using` clause from being indented, in which case above SQL would become: .. code-block:: sql SELECT a, b, c FROM my_table JOIN another_table USING(a) There is also a similar :code:`indented_ctes` config (defaulted to :code:`False`) which can be set to :code:`True` to enforce CTEs to be indented within the :code:`WITH` clause: .. code-block:: sql WITH some_cte AS ( SELECT 1 FROM table1 ), some_other_cte AS ( SELECT 1 FROM table1 ) SELECT 1 FROM some_cte Note that using :code:`indented_ctes` may clash with `Rule L018`_ (`"WITH clause closing bracket should be aligned with WITH keyword."``), so if using this option you will likely want to disable that rule. By default, *SQLFluff* aims to follow the indentation most common approach to indentation. However, if you have other versions of indentation which are supported by published style guides, then please submit an issue on GitHub to have that variation supported by *SQLFluff*. .. _`dbt Labs SQL style guide`: https://github.com/dbt-labs/corp/blob/main/dbt_style_guide.md .. _`Mozilla SQL style guide`: https://docs.telemetry.mozilla.org/concepts/sql_style.html#joins .. _`Rule L018`: ./rules.html#sqlfluff.core.rules.Rule_L018